


「肥沃な三日月地帯(Fertile Crescent)」とは古代オリエント史において、ペルシア湾からメソポタミア、シリア、エジプトにかけての南側に開いた、農耕に適した地理的・気候的条件を満たして人類最初の農耕に基づく都市文明が築かれた三日月状の地域を指す。




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1916年、考古学者ジェームズ・ヘンリー・ブレステッド(James Henry Breasted , 1865-1935)が著書” Ancient Times — A History of the Early World ”で提唱した歴史的・地理的概念である。同著は日本語訳未発売だが、すでに著作権保護期間も切れてWEB上で公開されており、無料で閲覧することができる。同書の101頁で「肥沃な三日月地帯」について以下の通り記している。

“Ancient times, a history of the early world;” p100 彩色地図

“Ancient times, a history of the early world;” p100 彩色地図

"Ancient times, a history of the early world;" p101<br />肥沃な三日月地帯に関する記述

“Ancient times, a history of the early world;” p101

This fertile crescent is approximately a semicircle, with the open side toward the south, having the west end at the southeast corner of the Mediterranean, the center directly north of Arabia, and the east end at the north end of the Persian Gulf (see map, p. 100). It lies like an army facing south, with one wing stretching along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean and the other reaching out to the Persian Gulf, while the center has its back against the northern mountains. The end of the western wing is Palestine; Assyria makes up a large part of the center; while the end of the eastern wing is Babylonia.

This great semicircle, for lack of a name, may be called the Fertile Crescent.1 It may also be likened to the shores of a desert-bay, upon which the mountains behind look down—a bay not of water but of sandy waste, some eight hundred kilometres across, forming a northern extension of the Arabian desert and sweeping as far north as the latitude of the northeast corner of the Mediterranean. This desert-bay is a limestone plateau of some height—too high indeed to be watered by the Tigris and Euphrates, which have cut cañons obliquely across it. Nevertheless, after the meager winter rains, wide tracts of the northern desert-bay are clothed with scanty grass, and spring thus turns the region for a short time into grasslands. The history of Western Asia may be described as an age-long struggle between the mountain peoples of the north and the desert wanderers of these grasslands—a struggle which is still going on—for the possession of the Fertile Crescent, the shores of the desert-bay.

Ancient Times — A History of the Early World

ブレステッドは「肥沃な三日月地帯」について西端を地中海南東部、中心をアラビアの真北、東端をペルシア湾の北端として南側に開いた半円形をなす地域とし、南側に開けた砂漠地帯を海に見立てて” the desert-bay ”と呼び、その上で、西アジアの歴史は北部の山の民と砂漠の放浪者との間の砂漠の海の岸辺である肥沃な三日月地帯を巡る未だに続く闘争の歴史として説明できるかもしれないとしている。



