


大英図書館(British Library)は、十六世紀から1824年の間に作成された4万点におよぶ地図・図像資料コレクションのうち第一弾として18,000点をパブリックドメインとして公開したことを発表した。

"Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe (Boreale), in quo loca Stellarum fixarum secundum Æquatorem, per ascenciones ad annum 1730 completum, sistuntur, a J.G. Doppelmaiėro; operâ J.B. Homanni." / Maps K.Top.1.62.

“Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe (Boreale), in quo loca Stellarum fixarum secundum Æquatorem, per ascenciones ad annum 1730 completum, sistuntur, a J.G. Doppelmaiėro; operâ J.B. Homanni.” / Maps K.Top.1.62.

大英図書館の公式Flickr、または、Flickrの” georgeiiitopographicalcollection”タグから一覧表示・ダウンロードできる。

"PERSPECTIVISCHER GRUND UND STAND RISS VON HAMELN " / Persson, Carl Friedrich / Maps K.Top.100.67.

“PERSPECTIVISCHER GRUND UND STAND RISS VON HAMELN ” / Persson, Carl Friedrich / Maps K.Top.100.67.

今回公開された資料は英国王ジョージ3世(1738-1820)治世下でまとめられた「王の地形学コレクション” The King’s Topographical Collection (K.Top)”」である。1660年代から収集が開始され、1760年代以降国王の司書や代理人によって大幅に追加された。

“A wide variety of material is incorporated, including globes; manuscript and printed atlases; architectural drawings and garden plans; maps and records of military campaigns, fortifications, barracks, bridges and canals; records of town and country houses, civic and collegiate buildings; drawn and printed records of antiquities including stained glass, sculpture, tombs, mosaic pavements and brasses; and thousands of drawn and printed views.”


"Milne's Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, circumjacent Towns and Parishes &c, laid down from a Trigonometrical Survey taken in the Years 1795-1799. " / Milne, Thomas/  Maps K.Top.6.95.

“Milne’s Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, circumjacent Towns and Parishes &c, laid down from a Trigonometrical Survey taken in the Years 1795-1799. ” / Milne, Thomas/ Maps K.Top.6.95.



"Exactissima Asiæ Delineatio, in Præcipuas Regiones, Cæterasqe Partes divisa, et denuo in lucem edita per Carolum Allard. " / Witsen, Nicolaas / Maps K.Top.114.7.

“Exactissima Asiæ Delineatio, in Præcipuas Regiones, Cæterasqe Partes divisa, et denuo in lucem edita per Carolum Allard. ” / Witsen, Nicolaas / Maps K.Top.114.7.



Maps K.Top.112.75." width="800" height="592" class="size-full wp-image-23953" /></a> "Plan de St. Peters-burg."  / Maps K.Top.112.75.

Maps K.Top.112.75.” width=”800″ height=”592″ class=”size-full wp-image-23953″ /> “Plan de St. Peters-burg.” / Maps K.Top.112.75.

"[The Prospect of their Ma'ties Castle of Sterling]." / Slezer, John / Maps K.Top.50.96.e.

“[The Prospect of their Ma’ties Castle of Sterling].” / Slezer, John / Maps K.Top.50.96.e.

"Description of the CENTRE for the GREAT ARCH of London Bridge. " / Bickham, George / Maps K.Top.22.36.l.1.

“Description of the CENTRE for the GREAT ARCH of London Bridge. ” / Bickham, George / Maps K.Top.22.36.l.1.



The K.Top: 18,000 digitised maps and views released – Maps and views blog

What is K.Top? | British Library – Picturing Places – The British Library

40,000 early modern maps now freely available online – Medievalists.net

King’s Topographical Collection – The Topographical Collection of George III contains drawn and printed maps, views and atlases produced between 1500 and 1824.“(FlickrのKing’s Topographical Collectionページ)
